Air India has decided to take earnest steps to redress the grievances of its passengers, according to AI Chairman and Managing Director (CMD) Aravind Jadhav.
Addressing a press conference after holding a detailed discussion with the representatives of Kochi International Airport Limited (CIAL), Leading Hotels and Travel Agents
' Association here yesterday, Mr Jadhav said the meeting of the high power committee of AI which was held under the initiative of P C Chacko, MP, discussed about the grievances of passengers, anomalies of operations of AI and Air India Express (IX) and remedial measures. Minister Jose Thettayil also attended the meeting.
The delay in operation and diversion of flights due to poor visibility and bad weather were considered as one of the main difficulties of passengers, he said and added that many IX flights had to be diverted from Kozhikode Airport during 0600 hrs 0900 hours regularly.
The AI decided to reschedule its flight timings in Kozhikode avoiding operations at 0600 hrs to 0900 hrs, he added.As passengers suffered serious problems due to delay of luggage, AI had decided to operate bigger aircrafts to carry all luggage in time.
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